Ready to see results in just 8-12 weeks?


Perfect! You're in the right place.



This is for you if:


You have any gut issue, especially irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and bloating and can related to the following:

You don't know your root cause

You're confused and frustrated as you don't have a definitive diagnosis or understand your triggers. 

This lack of clarity means you suffer with ongoing symptoms and debilitating flares without the tools and skills to manage them.

You're confused with conflicting advice and bogged down with information overload

You're overwhelmed with the differing opinions and have no idea what advice is right for you.

Poor direction has meant you've invested your precious money, time and energy into the wrong tests and protocols.

You're tired of restricting your diet

Your ever increasing dietary limitations are impacting your physical and mental health and you struggle to find safe foods that don't trigger your symptoms.

You can't eat out at restaurants and fear social situations.

You're struggling with the toll it's having on your mental and emotional health

You're caught in a vicious cycle because your physical symptoms impact your mental and emotional health which causes more anxiety, stress and depression. These feelings then trigger your gut symptoms. You can't win!


You Have Been Struggling For Years with Health Professionals and You're Still Sick 


👉 Your chronic bloating, pain and unpredictable bowel movements continue (and are getting worse) 

👉 You've seen multiple doctors and specialists, done numerous tests and followed various treatments and diets with no success

👉 You feel stuck and frustrated due to the lack of effective solutions and you feel the effects on your mental health

👉 Your life is limited and find it hard to maintain normal activities such as exercise, socialising, and eating without adverse effects


You still lack a clear diagnosis or understanding of the root cause despite 'doing it all.'


You're SO ready to: 

🧡 Have perfect daily poops, say goodbye to bloating and be pain free.

🧡 Have energy and live an active life without constant fatigue

🧡 Have food freedom and enjoy a wide range of foods without adverse effects or the need for restrictive diets

🧡 Have a 'normal' life with no limitations 

🧡 Have better mental health, emotional well-being with less stress and anxiety


You Feel So Overwhelmed and Under Supported That You Don’t Know Where To Start  


👉 You've been recently diagnosed or are experiencing new symptoms without a diagnosis and feel so confused about what you need to do next

👉 You're seeking trustworthy information as you try to understand your gut issues and treatment options

👉 You're following a trial and error process without much guidance and experimenting with different diets and treatments to identify what works best for you

👉 You're noticing that your 'new' symptoms are starting to impact your daily life and find yourself avoiding social events, certain foods and clothes


You're struggling to keep up with dietary restrictions, lifestyle changes and appointments. It's too much and too confusing.


You're SO ready to:

🧡 Have a clear understanding of what's causing your symptoms and an effective treatment strategy that works

🧡 Invest in effective treatments that provide quick relief without extensive trial and error

🧡 Integrate effective and sustainable practices into your daily routine that will improve your quality of life

🧡  Prevent the condition from becoming a chronic issue by managing it early and effectively

Mission: To feel strong, healthy, in control of your life and achieve your version of Body Confidence

Regardless of how long you have been on your gut healing journey

What is Bloated to Body Confident?


It is the ONLY process-driven system specifically designed for IBS, SIBO and bloating sufferers to live a normal life full of freedom and confidence by treating your issue from the root cause (even if you were told 'there's nothing you can do to fix your gut!)


Packaged up in a holistic and evidence-based step-by-step system that addresses YOUR unique needs.


That allows you to heal with confidence WITHOUT the need to check Dr Google or scroll endlessly in search of potential causes or solutions. 


Aaand all tempered with realistic expectations around the time, energy and efforts required to truly heal complex gut issues and experience earth-shatteringly-life-changing results (so you don’t resent the process when it inevitably feels “hard” – everything worthwhile does).

And let me tell you - it's magical


Why? Because the day you realise that... 


🤩 You can say 'YES' to eating out at a restaurant without analysing the menu for safe foods and knowing you can enjoy your meal without pain, bloating, and digestive issues;

🤩 You’ve woken up and had a normal (totally satisfying) bowel movement meaning you have the WHOLE REST OF THE DAY to go out and enjoy life instead of sitting home by the toilet.

🤩 It's Monday morning and you're feeling POSITIVE with tonnes of energy to get get through the day; AND

🤩 You could be just a few short months away from feeling COMFORTABLE in your body and CONFIDENT in your appearance without fearing people will mistake you for being six months pregnant…


Well, let me tell you - that day hits different. 


That's a day you'll never forget!

Sounds dreamy, right? 

But here's the reality -

Most of us aren't there


“I can’t WAIT to spend thousands of dollars on tests and treatments to end up with no answers and a lifetime  restriction

– Said no-one, ever. 


And yet – despite the age of information the past few years have afforded us – that’s exactly where we end up.  


In many ways, it's because we've been told a lie. 


On one hand, the standard health industry has more diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical treatments than ever before to diagnose and manage illness.

… And yet? No acknowledgement of illness or symptoms that falls outside of these tests or is unresponsive to pharmaceutical treatments. In fact 'are you sure you are really sick?', 'maybe this is who you are' and 'just learn to live with it' (hint: you're being gaslit).


The standard healthcare system for many chronic gut health sufferers is unhealthy and unhelpful, and ultimately?


Is causing a tonne of people to fall through the cracks of the system into an existence of anxiety, stress restriction, desperation, confusion all the while living with the same (if not worsening) symptoms without a glimmer or help or hope to be seen.

Happily though, it's not all doom and gloom, because right now?


The heyday of doing test after test, treatment after treatment and seeing specialist after specialist only to tell you 'you just have IBS' or 'nothing is wrong with you' (FYI: both of those answers are a cop out) is coming to an end.


Gut health sufferers who are tired of the daily pain of bloating, IBS, and SIBO are smartening-up, savvying-up and turning their backs on the BS support that involves zero diagnosis, an unclear treatment strategy, ongoing dietary restriction and ineffective treatments that waste your time, money and energy.


Instead you seek new ways to understand the real causes of your health and to manage and treat your health holistically and sustainably.

And although you STILL want a life of freedom, flexibility and yummy food, we’re (finally) ready to ditch the BS and seek out a realistic, step-by-step, and HONEST healing strategy to get there.

And if that's YOU? You're in luck.

Because Bloated to Body Confident is for you


Bloated To Body Confident

The course that helps bloating, IBS and SIBO sufferers live a normal life full of freedom and confidence, without food anxiety and digestive discomfort, with the complete step-by-step system to heal your gut from the root cause. 


Includes the full step-by-step strategy for finding the root cause, comprehensive functional and diagnostic testing, personalised dietary advice, holistic support, effective treatments and sustainable solutions, empowering evidence-based information in a clear action plan.

👉 Access all of this NOW


This is Strictly For Gut Health Sufferers Who Desire A Functional Holistic Transformation

There is a CRITICAL difference between the way you choose to heal, either by Conventional Linear Management or Functional Holistic Transformation


Aligning your UNIQUE health needs to the type of approach best able to support you and deliver results.

Being clear on your gut health and healing needs is critical to avoid wasting:

  • Energy with practitioners who can't help
  • Money on supplements, medications and treatments that don't work
  • Effort carrying out tests that don't give any answers
  • Time (months even years) sprinting in the wrong direction getting you no closer to feeling better 


We specialise in helping ALL gut health sufferers, but especially bloating, IBS and SIBO sufferers, get to what we believe is Bloated to Body Confident Holistic Transformation.

Functional Holistic Transformation


Health: Health is on a spectrum of individual experience and quality of life. It is a product of your physical, mental, social and biochemical wellbeing.


Testing: It is more than just a 'normal' test result and requires the identification of imbalances and dysfunctions. Functional testing is used, in addition to diagnostic and pathology results, to further our understanding of the body's function.


Treatment: Now with a deeper understanding, treatment focuses on holistically addressing the root cause and helping the body heal itself. The individualised prescription of natural medicine (on its own or with your medication needs) is key.


Goal: Once the root cause(s) is identified, treated and sustainably managed, your health will transform.

Conventional Linear Management


Health: Health is black and white. ‘Good’ health is the absence of illness and ‘bad’ is the presence of an illness which is defined by an abnormal diagnostic test result.


Testing: Diagnostic and pathology testing are utilised to detect disease and diagnose conditions. There is no emphasis on testing for dysfunction or imbalance in the body.


Treatment: Once illness is identified treatment is often through prescriptive medications or dietary modification with little emphasis on holistic factors.


Goal: Ongoing management of the condition, disease or symptom is usual as the root cause is not considered. If this requires long term medication or dietary restriction, this may be considered successful. 

Your health is unique and therefore your healthcare needs, but ultimately?


We best serve those who desire a Bloated to Body Confident endgame


👏 Who want a clear understanding of their root cause

👏 Wants to say goodbye to daily bloating, pain and discomfort

👏 Is eager to empower themselves by understanding their body's unique needs 

👏 Needs effective treatment and solutions tailored to your specific needs 

👏 Wants a clear action plan with testing, evidence based treatments, dietary advice and expert support 

👏 Dreams of a calmer and happier mind with no more toilet anxiety or food fear.


And frankly? It's the true definition of freedom

What makes Bloated to Body Confident stand out?


Let's get one thing straight:

Bloated to Body Confident Isn't:

Another Course With Cookie-Cutter Advice

It's a clear, step-by-step plan that is tailored to your unique needs, covering everything you need to improve your health including testing, treatments, diet and lifestyle changes.

Masking Symptoms Using Unsustainable Strategies

It's action-focused on finding the root cause. Holistic and evidence-based treatments can then address the deeper issue as well as soothing your symptoms with a sustainable endgame.

Overwhelming And Time Consuming 

If you are serious about healing your gut from the root cause and living a free and confident life, this will save you hundreds and hundreds of hours and elbow grease. No more panicked Dr Googling, random scrolling or attending unhelpful appointments.

Bloated To Body Confident is the ONLY Process-Driven System Specifically Designed for IBS, SIBO and Bloating Sufferers with a Bloated to Body Confident Endgame


Here's six things that make it completely unique and the best value on the market 

1. It Is A Complete Bloated to Body Confident Transformation


A clear step-by-step system spaced out over 10 modules that helps bloating, IBS and SIBO sufferers live a normal life full of freedom and confidence, without food anxiety and digestive discomfort by finding and healing your gut from the root cause.

2. It's The Best Of One-On-One Support And Self-Empowered Healing


The unique combination of core course content that you can listen and action at your own pace is super-charged with one-on-one advice from Rachel. 

Over four appointments you can fast track your journey (if that's your pace), discuss the nitty gritty of your personal health with an expert so there is no stone left unturned and have the cheerleader in your corner you've always wanted. **cheers** GOOOOO YOU!!!

3. It Is A Course That Can Be Completely Personalised For Your Unique Needs 


It's the health equivalent to 'choosing your own adventure' book but tailored to healing. No two people are the same, and this course knows it. There's enough content, guidance, resources and support to take on strategies that are relevant and work for you and leave the information that doesn't apply. 

Don't worry, we make it easy to figure out what content is and isn't for you.

4. It's A Clear Action Plan That Works Regardless Of Whether You've Just Started Your Journey Or Have Been Struggling For Years.


It’s designed to support you, wherever you are on your gut healing journey.

If you're at the beginning or have been recently diagnosed: If you want clarity and understanding and early symptom control with effective and simple treatments, this step-by-step program is structured to give you that without a single hint of overwhelm.

And also for you if you're been on the healing journey for years: Despite the multiple practitioners, tests and treatments you've invested in, you still lack a diagnosis and suffer with chronic symptoms that are putting significant stress and limitations on your life, this program will meet you where you are at – without needing to start from scratch or invest $10,000 into 'cutting edge' treatments that don't work. 

(And, for everyone in between).

5. It Gives You More By Focusing On Less


👉 Less Restriction: Long-term dietary restriction is a harmful practice and is the opposite of what you need for gut healing. We encourage you to eat with a calm and inclusive mindset.

👉 Less Guess Work: You can stop guessing or assuming what is wrong with you and trying to make a plan off that (spoiler: that never works). There is a reason and you can find (and test) for it. 

👉 Less Relapsing: Once the root cause has been identified, treated and managed (with long term sustainable strategies) you’ll have far less risk of symptoms returning. We’re going much deeper than band-aid treatments.

6. It Includes A Full, Instant Access Suite Of Done For You Guides, Handouts, Videos and Resources


Bloated to Body Confident  is every template and resource you need to heal your gut issues especially bloating, IBS and SIBO from the root cause for good! Here's a taste:

Plan Your Success 

 Step-By-Step Strategy Checklist For All 10 Modules

Downloadable Workbook For All 10 Modules

Holistic Treatment Plan Template For All 10 Modules

Health Iceberg Template

Ballpark Timeline Predictor

Bank Of FAQs


Dietary Handouts


Salicylates Guide

Histamine Guide

Oxalate Guide

Gluten Free Guide

Sulfur Guide

SIBO Specific Food Guide

Disaccharide Free Diet Guide

 Prebiotic Guides


At Home Test and Treatment Handouts

Stomach Acid Test

Betaine HCL Test 

Castor Oil Pack

Dry Brushing 

Home Enema

Transit Time Test

Complete Targeted Testing Guide

Test Not Guide Testing List

Eat With Confidence Testing List

Soothe & Support Testing List

Address Small Intestinal Dysbiosis Testing List

Correct Large Intestinal Dysbiosis Testing List

The Root Cause Testing List

Heal Your Leaky Gut Testing List

Products That Work Dispensary Guide

Tame Your Triggers Comprehensive Dispensary

Eat With Confidence Comprehensive Dispensary

Soothe & Support Comprehensive Dispensary

Address Small Intestinal Dysbiosis Comprehensive Dispensary

Correct Large Intestinal Dysbiosis Comprehensive Dispensary

The Root Cause Comprehensive Dispensary

Heal Your Leaky Gut Comprehensive Dispensary


How To Guides

Pathology Testing Instructions For Your GP

How To Use Your Health Iceberg

How To Use Your Holistic Treatment Plan

How To View Your Microba Results

It’s the Anti-Overwhelm System; Strategically Designed to be Followed Step-by-Step in 10 Stages


Let's Break It Down

Here's How It Works....

The Step-By-Step Bloated To Body Confident Roadmap


Our system for a Bloated to Body Confident transformation is like nothing else on the market.  Here's what's included:

Module 1

Plan Your Success

The CRITICAL first step. You will understand the healing framework that reduces overwhelm and confusion which allows you to have a targeted approach to your healing.

  • Learn: The key framework that will help you structure and plan your whole testing, treatment and healing process 
  • Find: Your root cause by looking at your health history
  • Unblock: Uncover and address your healing blocks if you have literally tried everything but nothing has worked
  • Plan: Know how to get results by treating deeply and holistically

You’ll finish this module with a complete picture of what it takes to successfully treat and sustain your results. 

Module 2 

Tame Your Triggers

Have the ability to identify your triggers so you can treat and support them with clarity.

  • Aware: Know the difference between triggers, root causes and perpetuating causes
  • Calm: Support the powerful connection between your gut and nervous system 
  • Modify: Optimise how you eat to significantly improve your digestion
  • Support: Quick relief for 13 of the most common gut issues

You’ll finish this module with complete confidence in your ability to tame your triggers.

Module 3

Test Not Guess

Order the tests you need to get answers and fill the gaps in the understanding of your health so you can start treating in a targeted way.

  • Prepare: What to expect when it comes to testing and getting results
  • Test: Order functional tests to finally get answers to you have the information required for targeted treatments
  • Consider: Additional functional tests you may need to do
  • Empower: Know the difference between doctors, specialists, naturopaths and what you can order yourself in order 
  • Expand: Consider the support of additional practitioners

You’ll finish this module with test results that can finally explain your symptoms.

Module 4

Eat With Confidence 

Eat with confidence, calmness and clarity and find the diet that supports your unique gut health issues. 

  • Understand: The difference between food intolerances, allergies and sensitivities
  • Learn: If an elimination diet is actually necessary to heal your gut
  • Support: Approach food with an inclusive mindset with the knowledge of simple hacks to improve food tolerance.
  • Tackle: FODMAPs, histamines, salicylates, sulfur, oxalates and gluten and if you need to address and support these areas in your diet.

You’ll finish this module with the ability to eat for your own body and what you need to do to have a restriction free diet that nourishes your body.

Module 5

Soothe & Support 

Start to soothe and prepare the body for upcoming treatment based on test results.

  • Calm: Soothe your inflamed and irritated gut with targeted, evidence based strategies for irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, coeliac disease, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Soothe: Calm down and reduce bowel motion frequency if you experience diarrhoea
  • Improve: Bowel frequency and increase the feeling of complete evacuation if you experience constipation
  • Detox: Provide additional detoxification support in a holistic manner for your liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system.

You’ll finish this module with a soothed and supported body that is ready to handle upcoming treatment related to your functional test results. 

Module 6

Address Small Intestinal Dysbiosis 

Have a clear testing, interpretation and holistic treatment to effectively address small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO), biofilms and toxins.

  • Interpret: Have the ability to interpret test results to understand the exact type of SIBO you have before you invest in treatment
  • Confirm: Have 100% confidence that you have SIFO before you start treatment
  • Address: Follow THE holistic treatment strategy that you can customise to your test results so you can successful treat and beat to treat SIBO and SIFO
  • Layer: Know when you include additional aids for biofilms or bacterial toxins

You’ll finish this module with a step by step plan to address two of the BIGGEST causes of bloating, digestive symptoms and food reactions.

Module 7

Correct Large Intestinal Dysbiosis

By the end of this lesson you will have the ability to interpret comprehensive stool tests and address imbalances with evidence based strategies.

  • Clarify: Your microbiome goals and what to aim for in a healthy microbiome
  • Act: Interpret comprehensive stool tests and address imbalances with evidence based strategies
  • Modulate: Treat bacterial, fungal, parasitic and worm infections effectively.

You’ll finish this module with the ability to correct any microbial imbalances and the knowledge to support a healthy microbiome long-term.

Module 8

The Root Cause

Gain the knowledge of what it takes to treat deeper than superficial symptom relief so you can create a holistic plan that finally treats the root cause.

  • Dive deep: Go beyond superficial symptom relief so you can create a holistic plan that finally treats the root cause.
  • Improve: The underlying causes of digestive insufficiency including hypochlorhydria, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and brush border enzyme deficiency
  • Speed Up: Holistically support the underlying causes of motility dysfunction including migrating motor complex dysfunction, nervous system imbalances, thyroid conditions, blood sugar dysregulation, gastroparesis, mould toxicity and stealth infections.
  • Unblock: The underlying causes of impaired outflow including ileocecal valve dysfunction, endometriosis, adhesions, ehlers-danlos syndrome and anatomical abnormalities.
  • Discuss: With your prescribing practitioner about alternative treatments for key medications that affect your gut health

You’ll finish this module with the ability to identify and manage your root cause.

Module 9

Heal Your Leaky Gut 

Have the complete step by step process to holistically heal your leaky gut.

  • Interpret: Have the ability to interpret test results to understand if you have leaky gut
  • Address: Follow THE holistic treatment strategy that you can customise to your test results so you can successful treat leaky gut

You’ll finish this module with the strategy you need to heal your gut and sustain your results.

Module 10

Secure Your Future Of Freedom

Learn how to stop symptoms for good with your ticket to get off the relapsing roundabout.

  • Empower: Learn what it means if your symptoms return and what you can do about it.
  • Eat: To support and healthy microbiome using sustainable suggestions
  • Implement: Supports for your underlying root causes and gut conditions to reduce the risk of relapse

You'll finish this module  knowing what you need to do to continue experiencing your incredible new level of health, vitality and freedom.



These Bonuses Are Collectively Worth Thousands Of Dollars

SUPPORT:  4 x One-On-One Appointments With Rachel

  • Bloated to Body Confident comes with VIP one-on-one support with, qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist, Rachel Larsson.
  • Over four (4) sessions you will access expert individualised care from Rachel, practitioner only products and testing for six (6) months.
  • We will deep dive into your health, so that you know exactly how to support yourself and your root cause. 
  • Your first appointment can be booked in as soon as you join so you can received expert support and guidance from the start.
  • To avoid confusion and overwhelm, at the end of your fourth appointment you will receive a document that clearly states what we have covered and what you need to focus on from now on. 

SUPPORT: Exclusive Monthly Group Coaching

  • Bloated to Body Confident comes with an EXCLUSIVE monthly group coaching that is ONLY available to BTBC members.
  • In The Coaching Hub you can bring tests for expert analysis, get extra support, gut health hacks, connect and learn from others members and get your questions answered so you can continue healing with ease.
  • You'll never miss out on the opportunity to ask me questions as you can attend the sessions live or submit your questions and watch the recorded session on replay.


  • Bloated to Body Confident comes with a running bank of FAQ (inspired by YOU and other members and their real life experiences) so that you can access answers at any time.
  • This bank will be updated as new questions arise. You’re never alone.

EXPERT GUIDES: Products That Work Dispensary Guide

  • Avoid the expensive game of buying and trying products that simply don't work with my trusted dispensary guide.
  • It contains a comprehensive list of brands and products indicated for your specific health needs.
  • This list is tailored for AUS, NZ, UK, USA, CAN and parts of Europe. 


EXPERT GUIDES: Complete Targeted Testing Guide

  • Finally get answers with a list of the best tests and companies to use and how to order them.
  • This list includes tests you can order yourself, through practitioners, doctors and specialists so you can finally get the results you need to understand your health and treat with confidence.
  • This list is tailored for AUS, NZ, UK, USA, CAN and parts of Europe. 

RESOURCES: 25+ Helpful Handouts

  • The "No-Time' Antidote of handouts, guides and links that cover dietary choices, detoxification strategies and other at home tests.
  • These resources will save you time as there is no need to spend hours googling or looking up how to's. 

RESOURCES: The Root Cause Template

  • The most simple and effective way to find your root cause is to map it out.
  • This map will help you (finally) find your root cause so you treat and beat it for good.

RESOURCES: Money In Your Pocket

  • Access discounts with some of my favourite brands (products and testing).
  • As my affiliations grow this document will be updated so you can access premium products in health and wellness at best price.

Whether You Are At The Beginning Or Well Into Your Healing Journey This Is What Your Time In Bloated To Body Confident Will Look Like

Instant Access

Straight after your purchase, you will be emailed a login to Bloated to Body Confident, where you will have instant access. 

In the Welcome Module, you will be given information about:

  • Course foundations including roadmap and overview
  • How to get the most out of the course
  • Information and access to The Coaching Hub
  • Information and booking link for your one-on-one appointment with Rachel

Month 1: Plan & Tame

To make clear and confident decisions, you have the BTBC system to help you put information into intentional action.

During this time you will also learn how to tame key symptoms to provide you the physical relief and mental space to make a solid plan without panic.

Month 2-3: Test Not Guess

Within the first 8-12 weeks you can have test results that actually help!

Guessing wastes money, time and energy... and we aren't about that in BTBC. 

Understanding available tests and how to utilise current results will help you narrow down the tests you need to do that will finally help you get answers. 

These results will help you Target Your Treatments and ultimately stop you wasting time, energy and money on treatments that don't work.

Month 3: Prepare & Soothe

While you wait for your results from Test Not Guess, you will start to prepare and soothe your body for any upcoming treatment. Preparation may include:

  • Dietary guidance so you can eat with confidence, calmness and clarity and find the diet that supports your need
  • Holistic treatments that soothe inflammation and support elimination or detoxification

Month 4 Onwards: Target Your Treatments

Now that you have results from previous tests or Test Not Guess and you have prepared and soothed your body, you are now ready to take action.

Holistic treatment plans are laid out in modules six to nine and outline supplemental, dietary and lifestyle strategies. 

Based on your unique results you can see what information applies to you. 

Remember, this is NOT a cookie cutter system.

Based on your results, treatment can take anywhere between 6-12 (and sometimes 24+) months to completely heal.

Month 12 Onwards: Support & Success

By your 12-month anniversary, you may have completed all 10 modules and be in the maintenance phase of your new found freedom. 

From here, if you have any issues with maintaining your new results, you will have a clear checklist to help you pinpoint where you may still need help.

If you are symptom free and thriving, you'll be implementing the sustainable long-term management strategies and enjoying all that life offers!

What To Expect In Bloated To Body Confident?


'When will I see results?'

The Quick Win

Within 8-12 weeks, you’ll have:

  • Tamed your triggers and experienced a decrease in symptoms
  • Created a calm diet that works for your body
  • Test results that are actually helpful and explain your symptoms
  • Had your first (maybe even second) appointment with Rachel and received her expert advice and support. You're well on your way to figuring out your root cause and what you need to do to address it. 

The 365 Goal

In 12 months you’ll have:

  • Finished the course content and feel confident with what you need to do to continue treatment.
  • Have improvements or total correction in your baseline test results which tested for SIBO, yeast/fungal infections and microbiome dysbiosis. 
  • Have a calm nervous system and be creating a strong, healthy connection between your mind and gut. You may also feel less anxious, happier, more energy and better sleep.  
  • A normal life full of freedom, confidence and energy, without food anxiety and digestive discomfort (or be well on your way)!

The Endgame

From there you’ll:

  • Have used the Bloated to Body Confident system to sustainably support and effectively manage your health to reduce the risk of bloating, IBS or SIBO from returning. 
  • Be living your BEST life!
  • Posing in your underwear is totally optional ;)

So, How Much Is All Of This? 

Well, Let's Break It Down


The Real World Value of These Combined is $16,000+

That isn’t made up. If you were to see me by the hour to access ALL of this information and support you’d be paying big! 

Just one or two of the supports and bonuses in this program are worth the cost of enrollment.

Value Based On Return Of Investment


We’re handing you the system for bloating, IBS and SIBO sufferers to heal your gut from the root cause.


Think about the immediate ROI of that. How many wasted appointments, tests, supplements or medications would you need to invest in to make this worthwhile? 


And then think about the long-game. What impact could a life of freedom have in three years.. five years.. TEN years?

Value Of Each Individual Inclusion

Core Elements

Value $4,680


  • Clear Concise Tutorials [$1600]

  • Targeted Healing Method [$640]

  • Trigger Taming Tactics [$400]

  • Quick Win Strategies [$400]

  • Stop Symptoms Returning [$500]

  • Food Freedom [$500]

  • Root Cause Strategies [$640]

  • Lifetime Access to Course Curriculum [priceless]

Bonus Inclusions

Value $11,340


  • 4 x 1:1 Expert Calls With Rachel [$1,500] LIMITED TIME OFFER

  •  Lifetime Access to Monthly Group Coaching [$4,320]

  •  25+ Helpful Handouts and Resources [$2,400]

  •  Dispensary Guide [$1,200]

  •  Testing Guide [$1,200]

  •  Root Cause Template [$120]

  •  Discounts [$120]

  •  Bank of FAQ’s [$480]

The truth is that we are wildly undercharging for all that is included in this course, and in future will charge more.


Our Mission? To insure and help 1000's of people achieve their version of Bloated to Body Confident 


 And Bloated to Body Confident? Is how we intend to help you to do it. It's all packaged up to give you that value up front.


All that's left to do?  Is to say 'yes'!

Payment Plan - Start For Less!


12 monthly payments *NOT a cancel anytime membership*

  • BUY NOW limited time offer (usually sold at $299/m)
  • Lifetime access to all Bloated to Body Confident curriculum, support and community.
  • Worth over $16,000 of core elements and bonus inclusions.
  • Including 4 x 1:1 Expert Calls With Rachel [$1,500] LIMITED TIME OFFER

Pay In Full - Best Price!

Save $489

Additional saving compared to payment plan

  • Lifetime access to all Bloated to Body Confident curriculum, support and community
  • Worth over $16,000 of core elements and bonus inclusions.
  •  Including 4 x 1:1 Expert Calls With Rachel [$1,500] LIMITED TIME OFFER

Limited Time Offer











If you’re ready to make the commitment and finally heal your gut, calm your mind and fall in love with food, Bloated to Body Confident is the ONLY program of its type to get you there. 

If you aren’t completely satisfied with Bloated To Body Confident, let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund.

We will give you a full refund on your tuition due to dissatisfaction, we only ask a) you let us know why you're dissatisfied and b) you have reviewed less than 5% of the course materials (we can check the back end).

Of course, we feel pretty confident that that's NOT going to happen. 

I’m SO incredibly proud of this offer. 

The litmus test? If my best friend came knocking on my digital door (actually, I hope she does!), I’d be SO HAPPY that was on board. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it would serve her. That’s when you KNOW an offer is the goods - it passes the "best friend" test.

But still, the guarantee is there.



Hey, I'm Rachel (she/her)

Holistic Gut Health Naturopath and Nutritionist 


Before I was a naturopath, I did NOT have the freedom and confidence I have today.

The very opposite, in fact, I was paralysed by my mental health and imprisoned by my physical health. 

I was chronically ill for 10+ years. 

I suffered from severe constipation, cystic acne, anxiety, depression, monthly painful periods, weight management issues and an eating disorder.

I saw all sorts of practitioners, doctors and specialists over the years (-- "try this diet, medication and do these tests", they said.. and I listened).

I invested 100% of myself, but nothing worked. No relief, no results

In fact, here's how I really felt:

Frustrated and Overwhelmed

I had done everything ‘right’ and saw all the experts, so why did I find myself in the same place or getting worse when all of these things should be working?

Deep Sadness and Betrayal

I no longer trusted my body. I felt completely disconnected and resented my own body. I remember thinking 'how was I supposed to love my body when it was the source of my pain?'

Misunderstood and Questioning My Sanity

I have vivid memories of healthcare professionals making me feel so alone in my experience, even questioning me if what I was upset about was really happening. I felt crazy and gaslit. 

 After a long and painful decade I had to sit down and ask myself 'what do I really want?'


The answer: 'I don't want my health holding me back from living my best life. I want to be free to do whatever I want with ZERO restrictions'


And there it was. I realised that everything that I was trying was everything I DIDN’T WANT.


From this ah-ha moment I decided I needed to do something different to what I had been doing for the last 10 (horrible) years.


I needed a holistic approach that didn’t view all of my symptoms as separate issues. I needed to be seen as a WHOLE person and not just my parts.


This epiphany plus the many years in training and clinical experience that followed meant I went DEEP into this world of holistic healing and i've just explored A LOT. I've been my own guinea pig on what works.. and what doesn't.


The GOOD news? Along the way, I've discovered that a healing strategy that supports a functional and holistic transformation is A-MAZ-ING! Truly, if you want a life of health, freedom and confidence...


There is, in my view, NO BETTER WAY TO HEAL. 



Holistic Individuality

No two people are the same (even if the person beside you also has bloating, constipation and food reactions). Your triggers, drivers and root causes are different and therefore need individualised treatments. Stop with the cookie cutter approach.

Evidence Based Functional Approach 

Understand how to utilise tests (that actually give you results), diets, supplements and lifestyle treatment options backed by science and clinical experience.

Sustainable Strategies 

Switch short-term perfection, where you burnout and give up, for long-term imperfection, where you sustainably support yourself. It’s the things that you do most of the time that matter so set yourself up with sustainable strategies that nurture success.

Benefits of The Bloated to Body Confident Holistic Transformation


🥳 You can stop focusing on the wrong treatments that achieve nothing but stress (that's a hard NO to restrictive long term diets)

🥳 You can stop spending money on tests that show you ‘you’re normal’ (because of course what you are experiencing is NOT normal)

🥳 You can stop randomly purchasing supplements (that end up triggering your gut) because some influencer on the internet told you to

🥳 You can stop waking up with anxiety or fear about what pain the day will bring because you have no idea what is triggering your symptoms and why.

This IS for you if:

  • You’re tired of suffering from bloating and feeling lost within the current healthcare system
  • You find it difficult to know where to begin or where to go next with your bloating
  • You’re ready to understand and learn how to address your bloating from the root cause with a clear action strategy so you can experience lasting results
  • You’re overwhelmed by the huge amount of conflicting health and dietary advice available and up on desperate cycle of trial and error
  • You’re consumed with feelings of fear, anxiety and embarrassment every time you eat
  • You’re frustrated with the amount of time and money you’ve spent on trial and error supplements and diets without any success. You want effective treatments and solutions.
  • You would love to wear anything you like knowing that by the end of the day, you’ll still feel slim, comfortable and confident in your clothes

This is NOT for you if:

  • You’re not experiencing digestive symptoms such as bloating, irregular bowels, food reactions, stomach pain or discomfort
  • You’re not ready to put yourself first or make the necessary changes to achieve the health and happiness you deserve
  • You want instant results and are impatient with your body’s healing journey
  • You’re content living with regular pain, discomfort, bloating or irregular bowel motions
  • You want a single pill to fix your bloating (healing your gut is complex and takes time)


 Every cent is 100% worth it, I recommend her to everyone!"


"Working with Rachel is honestly life-changing. I first worked with her to help heal my gut a few years ago and I am working with her a second time to help with continued sickness post-c*vid. Both times she helped me improve my health beyond anything I could ever imagine. Working with Rachel is also an educational journey of learning about your body that has been huge in my personal development." - Becki K.

 I look forward to continuing to work with Rachel and highly recommend her to anyone else - this is your sign to work with her now!"


"Rachel is a wonderful practitioner with incredible knowledge and a real ability to translate complex medical information into simple, easy-to-understand language. I've worked with Rachel over the past six months and had a dramatic improvement in my health and wellbeing as a result of her advice and support. She has a warm, empathetic personality that made each consult a breeze from the beginning :)" - Sophie V.

"I can’t believe how amazing I feel eating all the foods"


"Rachel is incredible, she helped me so much with my gut health. Id even go as far as saying life changing, I can’t believe how amazing I feel eating all the foods I was previously told I’d never be able to eat again! Thank you Rachel!" - Brooke P.

"I can now finally say I feel great with my digestive problems now in the past"


"After 10 years of gut issues affecting my daily life I finally found Rachel after many years of no resolve. The minute I met her I felt comfortable and in good hands, she was so easy to talk to and attentive. I can now finally say I feel great with my digestive problems now in the past and I can enjoy eating a vast and healthy diet again.

Cannot recommend Rachel enough! Thank you again Rachel!!"  - Mathew S.

"Rachel really saved my life, big statement but it's true."


When I found Rachel, I was at a crisis point with my digestion and at wits end! I had been diagnosed with diverticular, gastritis, IBS and salicylate intolerance. As you can imagine EVERYTHING I ate or drank made me feel very ill from pain, constant nausea, diarrhea and at times vomiting. The mainstream "medical world" had no answers for me, and I was very frustrated and no disrespect for the medical world, but it just didn't work for me. Approx 1.5yrs later after meeting Rachel via google search I am eating foods again that used to hurt, both Rachel and I have invested a lot of time into my digestion. One of the best choices I had made was meeting Rachel and healing my trauma's and severe anxiety. I am eating foods that I thought I would never eat again; I am almost at the point of bringing onion back into my diet and that is a huge step for IBS sufferers. I would highly recommend Rachel to any person who is suffering with food intolerances etc. Rachel really saved my life, big statement but it's true. - Carmen S.

"I have seen a massive improvement in my gut health since implementing her treatments"


I cannot recommend Rachel highly enough! I came to her when my gut my was causing me so many problems that I didn’t know what was wrong or how to address them. Rachel is so empathetic in her approach and she has this ability to explain the complex mechanics of the gut in such a simple, easy to understand way. She has a wealth of knowledge and it’s obvious that she really cares about what she does and how she can help her patients. I have seen a massive improvement in my gut health since implementing her treatments plus I have learnt so much about my body and how my daily habits have been affecting my overall gut health. Thank you so much Rachel, you are a lifesaver! - Sam K.

"I feel like I have my life back!!"


I'll be forever grateful that I found Rachel a few months ago, she has honestly changed my life. After suffering gut issues for almost a decade and not getting any help from medical professionals and saying I must just "live with it", she was able to identify and correctly treat my issues immediately. I lived bloated for years, and am so happy to say that I have been (mostly) bloat-free for a couple of months now - without restricting any food! I feel like I have my life back!! - Candice E

"I can officially say I am on the road the recovery"


Like many people who suffer gut issues I have seen multiple doctors and health professionals, but we could never find the cause or long term fix. I can honestly say that after seeing Rachel for the last 6 months I have noticed a huge difference and finally have answers as to why I was struggling so much! I am so grateful for the time and care Rachel gives her clients and the personalization of the treatment to fit me specifically. I can officially say I am on the road the recovery and couldn’t have done it without Rachel! - Kirsten M.

Frequently Asked Questions

Listen In. If you're reading this right now? Let me tell you this:

Life is too damn short to be limited by your bloating, SIBO, IBS or food anxiety and not live the most bright, sparkly and unlimited version of your life. 


And you weren't created to experience daily bloating and pain or to feel limited by your own self. That is to have your own body be the thing that is stopping you from traveling, spending quality time with loved ones, eating out, going to the beach or getting a job promotion.

Of course, healing from the root cause and achieving a Bloated to Body Confident transformation takes time and courage.

To step forward.
To ditch the “shoulds”.
To swap mediocre for INCREDIBLE.

And to ignore all of the little voices in your head trying to keep you safe and small by telling you all of the reasons why you can’t.. why now isn’t the time… why saying “yes” to yourself is a dangerous decision. 

 The truth is:  


You deserve to wake up feeling confident and in control of your health.




❌  That WON’T happen by doing more of what you already are (if that were the answer, wouldn’t you already be there by now?)

❌  It WON’T come about by following a practitioner or healing strategy with a different principles and goals to you

❌  And, it WON’T come by staying put, doing all of the same things you’ve already been doing.

Ultimately, you have two choices 👇


To back yourself. To make a single (albeit) scary decision. And simply, to say yes.


To stay put, and in the exact same position you currently are in a year.. And maybe also in five.



You already know that this is the healing strategy to you there. 


And ultimately, at the end of the day, all you really need to do is to...


Get out of your own way. 


Everything you want is on the other side of a single...



It's Time For YOU To Experience The Bloated To Body Confident Transformation And Finally Start Living The Life You Deserve

Payment Plan - Start For Less!


12 monthly payments *NOT a cancel anytime membership*

  • BUY NOW limited time offer (usually sold at $299/m)
  • Lifetime access to all Bloated to Body Confident curriculum, support and community.
  • Worth over $16,000 of core elements and bonus inclusions.
  •  Including 4 x 1:1 Expert Calls With Rachel [$1,500] LIMITED TIME OFFER 

Pay In Full - Best Price!

Save $489

Additional saving when compared to payment plan

  • Lifetime access to all Bloated to Body Confident curriculum, support and community
  • Worth over $16,000 of core elements and bonus inclusions.
  •  Including 4 x 1:1 Expert Calls With Rachel [$1,500] LIMITED TIME OFFER 

Limited Time Offer










Your success depends entirely on your own effort, motivation and follow through. We cannot predict and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual's results depend on his/her/their unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this website or product.

When you purchase our product, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular result or outcome using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. We make no promises, guarantees or warranties concerning your likelihood of success or results of any kind. 


The content in Bloated to Body Confident is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on the Rachel Larsson site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 000 immediately. Reliance on any information provided by Rachel Larsson, Rachel Larsson employees, others appearing in the site at the invitation of Rachel Larsson, or other visitors to the site is solely at your own risk.


I present testimonials and other insights about other people's experiences with my website for the purpose of illustration only. The testimonials are of actual clients I have supported as a practitioner. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.